Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: Proposed changes to the Charging Scheme

Closes 13 Oct 2024


This consultation has been structured to reflect the consultation document found on the previous page. Select the section/s that are relevant to your business.

Where your chosen section has related questions, we ask you to complete them to give your feedback regarding our proposals for that specific area.

Once you have completed all sections relevant to you or your organisation, please go to the end of the consultation and submit your response.

Page Response
1. About you (Required)
percent complete
0 of 5 questions answered
2. Changes to the charging scheme This page has no questions
2.1. How have the charges been calculated This page has no questions
2.2. Changes to existing water activity charges
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
2.3. Changes to existing industrial activity charges
percent complete
0 of 5 questions answered
2.4. Changes to existing waste management activity charges
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
2.5. New charging activities
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
2.6. Changes to charging activity descriptions only
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
2.7. Deleted charging activities This page has no questions
2.8. Additional comments on changes to the Charging Scheme
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3. Other changes to the charging scheme This page has no questions
3.1. Imposition, escalation and de-escalation of an authorisation
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3.2. New applications for multi-activity authorisations
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3.3. Consolidation of existing authorisations
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
3.4. Carrying out a review of a permit This page has no questions
3.5. SEPA-initiated variations This page has no questions
3.6. Multiple authorised persons This page has no questions
3.7. Application to transfer an authorisation
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3.8. Application to transfer a revocation notice
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3.9. Determining Commercial Confidentiality of information submitted to SEPA
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
3.10. Additional comments on other changes to the Charging Scheme
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
4. Retail Price Inflation (RPI) increases This page has no questions
Appendix 1: Changes to existing charges This page has no questions
Appendix 2: Changes to charging activity descriptions only This page has no questions