Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: Proposed changes to the Charging Scheme

Closes 13 Oct 2024

2.2. Changes to existing water activity charges

This section details the changes to application and subsistence charges for existing water activities currently regulated under the Controlled Activities Regulations (CAR).

Charges may increase or decrease as a result of:

  • The activity changing to a different level of authorisation, for example, a registration level activity moving to a permit.
  • A lower or higher level of SEPA work required to regulate the activity once it is authorised.
  • Where there is a change in authorisation structure, for example, under CAR, there are two licence levels: complex and simple. These authorisations have been streamlined into one permit under the Regulations and one application and subsistence charge applied. 

Table 2: Charging changes to existing water activities lists:

  • Current application and subsistence charge vs the new charges.
  • Current charging activity description vs the new charging activity description. The new description is what will appear on a SEPA invoice once the Regulations are implemented.

Many activities currently fall under a generic charging activity description, for example, ‘Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale.’ In most cases, we have created new descriptions to make it easier to understand the charges that apply to a specific activity.

Table 2: Charging changes to existing water activities

Table 2: Charging changes to existing water activities
Current charging activity description Current application charge Current subsistence charge New SEPA Ref New charging activity description New application charge
New subsistence charge
10060 Any other CAR activity subject to a Complex Licence. £4,257 £3,029 20000 Any other Water Activity subject to a Permit which is not listed elsewhere in this table. £2,838
(Band 10)
10060 Any other CAR activity subject to a Complex Licence. £4,257 £3,029 20001 Discharge of water runoff from a construction site originally authorised by a complex licence under Regulation 8 of CAR and having effect as a deemed Permit under EASR. n/a – no new applications under this category £3,029
10080 Any other CAR activity subject to a Simple Licence. £2,838 £2,243 20002 Discharge of water runoff from a construction site authorised by a Permit under EASR or originally authorised as a simple licence under Regulation 8 of CAR and having effect as a deemed Permit under EASR £2,838
(Band 10)
10080 Any other CAR activity subject to a Simple Licence. £2,838 £2,243 20003 The storage of oil for onward distribution which is subject to a Permit. £2,838
(Band 10)
10080 Any other CAR activity subject to a Simple Licence. £2,838 £2,243 20000 Any other Water Activity subject to a Permit which is not listed elsewhere in this table. £2,838
(Band 10)
10080 Any other CAR activity subject to a Simple Licence. £2,838 £2,243 20004 Application of pesticides, which are Plant Protection Products (PPPs), subject to a Permit. £2,838
(Band 10)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20005 Discharge of swimming pool or hot tub effluent to the water environment which is subject to a Permit. £2,838
(Band 10)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20006 Discharges from marine commercial tank fish farms/hatcheries with less than or equal to 0.5 tonnes of annual fish production £1,703
(Band 9)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20007 Discharges from freshwater commercial tank fish farms/hatcheries with less than or equal to 0.5 tonnes of annual fish production £1,703
(Band 9)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20008 Discharge of cooling water with no chemical or temperature implications for the environment. £1,703
(Band 9)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20009 Discharge of public sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50, which is subject to a Registration. £185
(Band 3)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20010 Any other Water Activity subject to a Registration which is not listed elsewhere in this table. £185
(Band 3)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20011 Discharge of effluents, not described elsewhere in this table, which are less than or equal to 10 cubic metres per day or with a population equivalent of less than or equal to 15. £1,703
(Band 9)
10070 Any other CAR activity subject to a Registration or of Registration scale. £185 £0 20012 Discharge of public sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50 which is subject to a Permit. £1,703
(Band 9)
10120 Discharge, not covered by a general binding rule, which is an environmental service. £0 £0 20013 Discharge, not covered by a general binding rule, which is an environmental service. £0
(Band 0)
10120 Discharge, not covered by a general binding rule, which is an environmental service. £0 £0 20014 Discharge from non-commercial fish hatcheries for native fish. £0
(Band 0)
12925 Discharge from private septic tank/sewage treatment work: serving a population equivalent of less than or equal to 15 if built after 1 April 2016 or less than equal to 50 if built before 1 April 2016. £185 £0 20015 Discharge of private sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50, which is subject to a Registration. £185
(Band 3)
12925 Discharge from private septic tank/sewage treatment work: serving a population equivalent of less than or equal to 15 if built after 1 April 2016 or less than equal to 50 if built before 1 April 2016. £185 £0 20016 Discharge of private sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50 which is subject to a Permit. £1,703
(Band 9)
12930 Discharge from private sewage treatment works: serving a population equivalent greater than 15 but less than 50 if built after 1 April 2016. £1,703 £0 20015 Discharge of private sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50, which is subject to a Registration. £185
(Band 3)
12930 Discharge from private sewage treatment works: serving a population equivalent greater than 15 but less than 50 if built after 1 April 2016. £1,703 £0 20016 Discharge of private sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50 which is subject to a Permit. £1,703
(Band 9)
13140 Discharge from public sewage treatment works: serving a population equivalent greater than 15 but less than 50 population equivalent and authorised by a licence issued under CAR. £1,703 £0 20009 Discharge of public sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50, which is subject to a Registration. £185
(Band 3)
13140 Discharge from public sewage treatment works: serving a population equivalent greater than 15 but less than 50 population equivalent and authorised by a licence issued under CAR. £1,703 £0 20012 Discharge of public sewage effluent from a population equivalent of less than or equal to 50 which is subject to a Permit. £1,703
(Band 9)
10260 Engineering subject to a simple licence. £851 £0 20017 Engineering activity which is subject to a Permit £1,703
(Band 9)
10270 Engineering subject to a complex licence. £4,257 £0 20017 Engineering activity which is subject to a Permit £1,703
(Band 9)
6. Do you agree with the charging proposals in 'Table 2: Charging changes to existing water activities'?