Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: Proposed changes to the Charging Scheme

Closes 13 Oct 2024

2.5. New charging activities

This section details the charging descriptions, application and subsistence charges for new charging activities, and which of those will be subject to an environmental component fee. More information on the environmental component fee can be found in section 4.4 of our Charging Scheme Guidance.

We have created new charging activities where:

(a) The regulations will introduce a new regulated activity, namely:

  • Non-waste anaerobic digestion.
  • Carbon capture and storage.
  • Combustion plant generating electricity aggregating to 1MW or more.

(b) The restructuring of the authorisation framework means that some existing regulated activities could not be directly mapped to an equivalent charging activity within the current charging scheme. This applies to some waste and industrial activities.

Section 2.1 details how we have calculated these charges.

Table 1: New charging activities, lists the new activity descriptions and charges.


Table 1: New charging activities

Table 1: New charging activities
New SEPA Ref New charging activity description New application charge
New subsistence charge Environmental component (Y/N)
20050 Incineration of biomass waste in an incineration or co-incineration plant, with a capacity of equal to, or less than, 50 kilograms per hour. £0
(Band 0)
£0 N
20051 Restoration of Open Cast Coal Sites.  £7,095
(Band 13)
£8,489 N
20052 Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 10,000 tonnes of metal waste for recovery at any one time. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20053 Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 20,000 tonnes of inert and excavation waste at any one time to manufacture construction aggregates. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20054 Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 1,000 tonnes of segregated wood waste for recovery at any one time. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20055 Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 500 tonnes of segregated non-hazardous waste for recycling at any one time. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20056 Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 25m3 of used cooking oil at any one time to manufacture biodiesel. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20057 Storage of less than, or equal to, 10 waste motor vehicles at any one time. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20058 Storage of asbestos waste in a single sealed container. £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20059 Schedule 20 para 17(a): Production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water meeting low-risk criteria. £7,095
(Band 13)
£1,456 Y
20060 Anaerobic digestion of less than, or equal to, 100 tonnes of biowaste per day. £659
(Band 7)
£851 N
20061 Schedule 26: Anaerobic digestion of non-waste materials with a throughput of less than 100 tonnes of non-waste feedstock per day (REGISTRATION) £659
(Band 7)
£851 N
20062 Schedule 26: Anaerobic digestion of non-waste materials with a throughput of greater than 100 tonnes of non-waste feedstock per day (PERMIT) £14,190
(Band 14)
£6,363 Y
20047 Any other Waste Management Activity subject to a Registration which is not listed elsewhere in this table £659
(Band 7)
£524 N
20048 Storage and Preparation for reuse of waste (not including WEEE) £0
(Band 0)
£0 N
20063 Schedule 26: Capture of CO2 (i) not related to any activity described in para 28(11) of schedule 20 for geological storage (ii) for non-geological storage or utilisation, using mechanisms such as chemical or physical absorption (PERMIT) £25,543
(Band 16)
£13,970 Y
20064 Schedule 26: Capture of carbon dioxide using direct capture/physical separation methods, if not related to any activity described in paragraph 28(11) of Part 4 of schedule 20. (REGISTRATION). £659
(Band 7)
£1,456 N
20065 Schedule 26: Combustion plant generating electricity aggregating to 1MW or more where individual plant is <1MW (REGISTRATION) £659
(Band 7)
£322 N
20049 Transporting only your own waste £0
(Band 0)
£0 N
20068 Remedial treatment licence standard scale deployment charge £4,137 £0 N
20069 Remedial treatment licence large scale deployment charge £7,034 £0 N
20070 The storage of less than, or equal to, 2500 tonnes of waste per year for recovery, except for activities within the scope of the Code of Practice on Sampling and Reporting at Materials Facilities £0
(Band 0)
£0 N
20071 Schedule 26: Manufacturing wood products excluding chemical treatment (REGISTRATION) £659
(Band 7)
£613 N
14. Do you agree with the charging proposals in 'Table 1: New charging activities'?