Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: Proposed changes to the Charging Scheme

Closes 13 Oct 2024

3.9. Determining Commercial Confidentiality of information submitted to SEPA

The amended Regulations may include a provision to allow us to charge to determine whether information submitted to us is commercially confidential. We do not propose to introduce a separate fee when this information is submitted as part of an application or increase our application fees. We propose, however, that we may apply a charge when this information is submitted as part of a response to an Information or Regulatory Notice. The fee will recover our costs of assessing this information, and we propose to charge at Relevant Time and Materials costs which is currently £120 per hour unless the regulated activity is a radioactive substances activity, in which case we will charge at £190 per hour.

23. Do you agree with the proposal to charge for determining commercial confidentiality in relation to information and regulatory notices?