Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

1.2.17. Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 500 tonnes of biowaste for composting in an enclosed system at any one time, with a capacity of less than or equal to 75 tonnes per day.

Standard conditions

Below is the list of core and activity-specific standard conditions for storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 500 tonnes of biowaste for composting in an enclosed system at any one time, with a capacity of less than or equal to 75 tonnes per day.

  1. The authorised person must have a written management system in place to ensure compliance with the conditions of this authorisation.
  2. Only the authorised wastes listed in Table 1 can be accepted at the Authorised Place.
    Table 1. Waste codes for biowaste
    Waste Code Authorised Wastes
    02 01 03  Plant-tissue waste 
    02 01 06  Animal faeces, urine and manure (including spoiled straw) 
    02 01 07  Wastes from forestry 
    02 01 99   Straw, wood or paper–based bedding waste, slurry or dirty water from stables, zoos, animal parks or livestock markets 
    02 02 02 Animal-tissue waste
    02 03 01 Sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling, centrifuging and separation 
    02 05 01 Materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 
    02 06 01 Materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 
    03 01 01 Waste bark and cork
    03 01 05 Sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood
    03 03 01 Waste bark and wood   
    04 02 10  Organic matter from natural products (e.g. grease, wax)  
    15 01 01 Paper and cardboard packaging
    15 01 03   Wooden packaging
    15 01 09   Textile packaging  
    19 05 03   Off-specification compost consisting only of biodegradable waste
    20 01 01  Paper and cardboard  
    20 01 08 Biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste
    20 01 10   Clothes  
    20 01 11   Textiles  
    20 02 01   Biodegradable waste
    20 03 02 Botanical waste from markets 

  3. All waste entering the Authorised Place must be inspected to ensure it meets the types and quantities authorised.
  4. Waste identified at the Authorised Place which is not authorised must be: 

    a. stored on an impermeable surface with a sealed drainage system;

    b. stored separately from other waste; and 

    c. removed from the Authorised Place as soon as reasonably practicable.
  5. Waste with the following characteristics must not be accepted at the Authorised Place:

    a. waste significantly contaminated with non-compostable materials;

    b. waste consisting solely or mainly of dusts (except sawdust), powders or loose fibres;

    c. liquid waste other than liquids produced by the treatment process;

    d. waste containing post-consumer wood, treated wood, wood-preserving agents or other biocides;

    e. waste containing Japanese Knotweed or any other invasive non-native plant species; or

    f. pest infested waste.
  6. The Authorised Place must be secured to prevent unauthorised access to the waste.
  7. All waste storage areas must be clearly labelled to allow the identification of:

    a. the waste type(s) being stored; and

    b. the hazards presented by each waste type.
  8. All storage and treatment activities must be carried out on an impermeable surface that drains to a sealed drainage system.
  9. Waste must be stored for the minimum time possible prior to treatment and batch formation to prevent uncontrolled decomposition and anaerobic conditions.
  10.  All liquid waste produced on site must be stored within:

    a. a covered impermeable lagoon;

    b. a sealed sump; or

    c. a sealed container
  11. Liquid waste stored in containers must be within a secondary containment system, which must:

    a. hold at least:

       i. for a single container, 110% of its capacity; or
       ii. for two or more containers, the greater of:

          1. 110% of the capacity of the largest container; or
          2. 25% of the capacity of all containers together.

    b. catch all spills from the container(s) and related parts;

    c. be leak-proof;

    d. be located, and/or protected, to prevent damage as far as reasonably practicable; and

    e. have any spills and/or rainwater removed as soon as reasonably practicable.
  12. Oversize material must be stored on site in a manner to prevent re-heating.
  13. All reasonably practicable measures must be taken to remove non-compostable fractions from the waste prior to processing.
  14. All storage and treatment activities must be carried out in a manner that prevents anaerobic conditions.
  15. Each batch of waste subjected to composting must undergo a treatment that ensures a stable and sanitised material.
  16. The sanitisation of waste must take place in an enclosed system incorporating an emissions abatement system.
  17. Measures must be taken to prevent, or where that is not practicable, minimise:

    a. odour;

    b. noise;

    c. dust;

    d. litter;

    e. bioaerosols; and

    f. the presence of vermin;

    arising from the authorised activities.
  18. Offensive odours from the authorised activities as perceived by a SEPA Officer must not be emitted beyond the boundary of the Authorised Place.
  19. Noise from the authorised activities, which has a significant impact on the environment, people or property, must not be emitted beyond the boundary of the Authorised Place.
  20. Dust from the authorised activities, which has a significant impact on the environment, people or property, must not be emitted beyond the boundary of the Authorised Place.
  21. Litter from the authorised activities, which has a significant impact on the environment, people or property, must not be emitted beyond the boundary of the Authorised Place.
  22. Bioaerosols from the authorised activities, which have a significant impact on the environment, people or property, must not be emitted beyond the boundary of the Authorised Place.
  23. Waste must not be burned at the Authorised Place.
  24. SEPA must be notified via its pollution hotline contact telephone number as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case within 24 hours of identification of an event, of any of the following:

    a. an event that has caused or could cause adverse impact to the environment or harm to human health;

    an event that results, or could result, in an emission to the environment that is not authorised;

    c. an event that has caused a breach of a condition of this authorisation.

    In this condition, the meaning of ‘event’ is as defined in the Interpretation of Terms of this authorisation.
  25. All measures that are reasonably practicable must be taken to stop an event and to minimise its effect on the environment.
  26. Within 14 days of an event a report must be submitted to SEPA detailing:

    a. the reason(s) for the event;

    b. the action(s) taken to stop the event and minimise the impacts; and

    c. the action(s) taken to prevent the event from recurring.
  27. All information recorded, kept or submitted to SEPA in accordance with a condition of this authorisation must be: 

    a. true and accurate; 

    b. kept for a minimum of six years; and  

    c. provided to SEPA upon request.
  28. For each calendar year the information detailed in Appendix 1 must be submitted to SEPA on or before 28 January in the following year.
  29. The information detailed in Appendix 1 must be submitted to SEPA via email, in the excel spreadsheet supplied by SEPA, to waste.data@sepa.org.uk.

Interpretation of terms

Interpretation of terms
Term Interpretation
Animal by-products Has the same meaning as defined in The Animal By-products (Scotland) Regulations 2011.
Bioaerosols Particles that contain living organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses or parts of living organisms, such as plant pollen, spores and endotoxins from bacterial cells or mycotoxins from fungi.
Biowaste Biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, offices, restaurants, wholesale, canteens, caterers and retail premises and comparable waste from food processing plants and listed in Table 1.
Composting The autothermic and thermophilic biological decomposition and stabilisation of biodegradable waste under controlled aerobic conditions that result in a stable sanitised material that can be applied to land for the benefit of agriculture, horticulture, or ecological improvement.  
Environmental harm (a) harm to the health of human beings or other living organisms.

(b) harm to the quality of the environment, including:

    (i) harm to the quality of the environment taken as a whole,
    (ii) harm to the quality of air, water or land, and
    (iii) other impairment of, or interference with, ecosystems,

(c) offence to the senses of human beings,

(d) damage to property, or

(e) impairment of, or interference with, amenities or other legitimate uses of the environment.
Event (a) any accident which has caused or could cause environmental harm; or
(b) any malfunction, breakdown or failure of plant, infrastructure or techniques which has caused or could cause environmental harm; or

(c) force majeure or action taken to save human life or limb.
Hazardous waste Has the same meaning as ‘special waste’ in Regulation 2 of The Special Waste Regulations 1996.
Impermeable surface A surface constructed of concrete or a similar impermeable material to a standard sufficient to prevent the transmission of liquids beyond the surface and should be read in conjunction with the term “sealed drainage system”.
Invasive non-native plant species Has the same meaning as that in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 for “invasive species of plant outwith its native range”.
List of wastes The list of wastes established by Commission Decision 2000/532/EC replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste, as amended from time to time.
Sealed drainage system In relation to an impermeable surface, a drainage system with impermeable components which does not leak and which will ensure that:

(a) no liquid will run off the pavement otherwise than via the system; and

(b) except where they may be lawfully discharged, all liquids entering the system are collected in a sealed sump.
SEPA Officer Any person who is authorised in writing by SEPA under section 108 of the Environment Act 1995. 
Storage Storage, in relation to waste, includes the keeping, managing, and depositing of waste. 
Treatment Recovery or disposal operations, including preparation prior to recovery or disposal.
Unauthorised access Access by any person who is not permitted to enter the Authorised Place.
Waste Has the same meaning as in section 75 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Waste code The six-digit code referable to a type of waste in accordance with the List of Waste and in relation to hazardous waste, includes the asterisk.


This activity will apply to the storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 500 tonnes of biowaste for composting in an enclosed system at any one time, with a capacity of equal to or less than 75 tonnes per day.

The permitted waste types are limited to those suitable for enclosed composting and the specific types of biowaste that can be stored and treated are specified in the conditions.

To reduce risks associated with any emissions from the composting activity the enclosed composting system must have an emissions abatement system. 

All liquid waste produced onsite must be stored in a sealed system to reduce risks associated with any run-off from the composting activity.

Bioaerosol management will be covered by a specific standard condition. Measures to prevent bioaerosol releases should be in place and documented in the written management system.

28. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for the Storage and treatment of less than, or equal to, 500 tonnes of biowaste for composting in an enclosed system at any one time, with a capacity of equal to or less than 75 tonnes a day?