Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

2. Standard conditions for water activities: Registration level activities

For the purposes of this consultation, registration level water activities have been split into the following categories:

2.1. Pollution control (Activities A and B)

2.2. Abstractions and boreholes (Activities C and D)

2.3. Impoundments (Activities E)

2.4. Engineering (Activities F)

SEPA have been regulating registration level activities under The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (CAR) since 2006. These types of activities and the proposed descriptions and standard conditions are similar to the conditions that can be found in existing registration level water authorisations granted under CAR.

Event recording and reporting conditions are not included for any of our registration level water activities, as we consider it would be disproportionate for this level of activity. If an incident or accident occurred, we would expect an operator to contact SEPA, stop the event and minimise effects. Action taken by the Authorised Person would be considered as part of our enforcement response.

We will produce supporting guidance on the new types of registration level water authorisations.