Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024 Discharge from an existing treatment system that was authorised by CAR: Activity A11

Activity description

The discharge of sewage effluent to the water environment; that was authorised by registration under Regulation 7 of The Water Environment (Controlled Activity) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 on the [day before the Regulations come into force for water activities] from:

  1. less than or equal to 10 domestic properties; or
  2. non-domestic properties with a population equivalent less than or equal to 50; or
  3. a combination of domestic and non-domestic properties with a total population equivalent of less than or equal to 50.

Standard conditions

  1. Prior to discharge, the sewage effluent must be treated to at least the standard described or subjected to at least the level of treatment described, in the authorisation granted for that particular discharge under Regulation 7 of The Water Environment (Controlled Activity) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 and which was in force on the [day before the Regulations come into force for water activities].
  2. The treatment system and outfall pipe must be maintained so that they are fully functioning except during any period when maintenance work is being carried out.
  3. The discharge must not have a significant impact on any supply of water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for the authorisation.
  4. The discharge must not have a significant impact on the water environment as a result of:

    (a) iridescence or sheen;
    (b) discolouration;
    (c) deposition of solids;
    (d) increased foaming; or
    (e) microbiological growth.


This activity and standard conditions will be applied to sewage discharge activities that were authorised by registration under Regulation 7 of The Water Environment (Controlled Activity) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 on the [day before the Regulations come into force for water activities]. If the level of treatment is reduced from that that was authorised on [the day before the Regulations come into force for water activities] this activity would no longer apply. An application for another activity would be required.


54. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for Activity A11?