Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

2.2.5. Abstractions: Activity C5

Activity description

The abstraction of groundwater, other than below the bed of coastal or transitional waters, from a borehole or boreholes and any subsequent discharge of the abstracted water, where the total volume of water abstracted is:

(a) more than 50 cubic metres (m3) per day but less than or equal to 500 cubic metres (m3) per day; and

(b) more than 150 cubic metres (m3) per year but less than or equal to 5000 cubic metres (m3) per year,

and the purpose of the abstraction is to:

  1. test the yield of the borehole; or
  2. determine the hydraulic properties of the aquifer, or
  3. sample the water quality.

Standard conditions

  1. The discharge of the abstracted water must not result in the introduction of substances or heat to the water environment that may cause harm to the water environment.
  2. The discharge must not have a significant impact on the water environment as a result of:

    (a) iridescence or sheen;
    (b) discolouration;
    (c) deposition of solids; or
    (d) increased foaming.
  3. There must be a means of demonstrating the total volume of water abstracted daily and annually.
  4. The abstraction must be located 50 metres or more from any spring, well or borehole that supplies water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.

Interpretation of terms

Interpretation of terms
Term Definition

The doing of anything whereby any water is removed or diverted by mechanical means, pipe or any engineering structure or works from any part of the water environment, whether temporarily or permanently, including anything whereby the water is so removed or diverted for the purpose of being transferred to another part of the water environment, and includes—

  1. the construction or extension of any well, borehole, water intake or other work by which water may be abstracted, and
  2. the installation or modification of any machinery or apparatus by which additional quantities of water may be abstracted by means of a well, borehole, water intake or other work. 
Coastal water Has the meaning given in section 3(8) of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003.
Groundwater Water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.
Transitional water Has the meaning given in section 3(7) of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003.
Water for human consumption. Water that may be ingested by humans, used in the preparation of food or drink, or used in the cleaning of materials involved in the storage or consumption of food or drink.
Well Includes a permeable underground collection tank.


The standard conditions are similar to those found in existing registration level water authorisations granted under CAR.


62. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for Activity C5?