Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

2.1.5. Disposal of detergents and disinfectants during the outbreak of a notifiable disease: Activity B3

Activity description

The disposal of more than 10 cubic metres (m3) per day of detergent or disinfectant washings to vegetated land:

(a) during an outbreak of a notifiable disease; and

(b) where the detergents and disinfectants have been used to prevent the transmission of that disease.

Standard conditions

  1. The disposal must not result in the introduction of substances or heat to the water environment, which may cause harm to the water environment.
  2. The disposal must not be carried out on land:

    (a) that is waterlogged, saturated, snow covered or frozen;
    (b) that has soil with a texture of sand or loamy sand;
    (c) that has less than 40 centimetres (cm) depth of soil immediately under the disposal area;
    (d) that is cracked;
    (e) during rainfall;
    (f) that is situated above a permeable drain, unless that drain is covered by a minimum depth of 40 centimetres (cm) of soil; or
    (g) that is less than 50 metres from any spring, well or borehole that supplies water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.
  3. The disposal must not have a significant impact on any supply of water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.
  4. The disposal must be 10 metres or more from:

    (a) any surface water; or
    (b) any wetland.
  5. During disposal, the washings must be evenly applied to the authorised area(s):

    (a) at a rate not exceeding 20 cubic metres (m3) per hectare;
    (b) at a rate that does not result in runoff, pooling or ponding of washings; and
    (c) no more than 5 times per year.
  6. Any disinfectants disposed of must be approved by the Department for Environment Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for use in connection with notifiable disease outbreaks.
  7. Any disinfectants disposed of must be diluted prior to use and at the rate required by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for use in connection with notifiable disease outbreaks.

Interpretation of terms

Interpretation of terms
Term Definition

Notifiable disease

A disease named in section 88 of the Animal Health Act 1981, or an Order made under that Act.
Surface water A type of infiltration system for the treatment and dispersion of effluent into the ground.
Water for human consumption. Water that may be ingested by humans, used in the preparation of food or drink, or used in the cleaning of materials involved in the storage or consumption of food or drink.
Waterlogged Soil which is at water retaining capacity, except in a forest where it means where water is visible on the soil surface.
Well Includes a permeable underground collection tank.
Wetland Has the meaning given in section 3(5) of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003.


The standard conditions are similar to those found in existing registration level water authorisations granted under CAR. A list of disinfectants approved by DEFRA for use in connection with notifiable disease outbreaks is available on the DEFRA website.


57. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for Activity B3?