Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024 Discharge of grey water or liquid from a composting toilet to soakaway: Activity A9

Activity description

The discharge of grey water or of liquid from a composting toilet from:

  1. less than or equal to 10 domestic properties; or
  2. non-domestic properties with a population equivalent less than or equal to 50; or
  3. a combination of domestic and non-domestic properties with a total population equivalent of less than or equal to 50;

to full soakaway.

Standard conditions

  1. Any composting toilet system must have a means of separating liquid from the solid fraction.
  2. Any grey water must be filtered prior to discharge.
  3. The discharge must not:

    (a) be directly into groundwater; or

    (b) have a significant impact on any supply of water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.
  4. The discharge must not have a significant impact on the water environment as a result of:

    (a) iridescence or sheen;

    (b) discolouration;

    (c) deposition of solids;

    (d) increased foaming; or

    (e) microbiological growth.


This activity applies to the discharge from a proposed treatment system or a treatment system that is less than or equal to two years old prior to the date of application.

The standard conditions are similar to those found in existing registration level water authorisations granted under CAR.


52. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for Activity A9?