Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

2.1.3. Discharge of hot tub or swimming pool effluent: Activity B1

Activity description

The discharge of less than or equal to 10 cubic metres (m3) per day of:

  1. swimming pool effluent to the water environment; or
  2. hot tub effluent, from a site with more than one hot tub, to groundwater; or
  3. hot tub effluent from a site to a surface water.

Standard conditions

  1. The discharge must not result in the introduction of substances or heat to the water environment, which may cause harm to the water environment.
  2. The discharge must not have a significant impact on any supply of water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.
  3. Prior to being discharged, the effluent must:

    (a) be de-brominated or de-chlorinated; and
    (b) have a pH value of between 6 and 9.
  4. Any discharge of effluent to a surface water must:

    (a) have a temperature of less than 20 degrees centigrade; and
    (b) be via a partial soakaway with a high level overflow.
  5. Any partial soakaway must have a minimum area, in square metres (m2), of 10 multiplied by the total number of hot tubs or swimming pools.
  6. The discharge must not be directly into groundwater.
  7. Any soakaway must be located 50 metres or more from any spring, well or borehole that supplies water for human consumption that was in existence on the date of application for this authorisation.

Interpretation of terms

Interpretation of terms
Term Definition
Groundwater Water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.
Partial soakaway A soakaway with an overflow to surface water.
Surface water A type of infiltration system for the treatment and dispersion of effluent into the ground.
Water for human consumption. Water that may be ingested by humans, used in the preparation of food or drink, or used in the cleaning of materials involved in the storage or consumption of food or drink.
Well Includes a permeable underground collection tank.


The standard conditions are similar to those found in existing registration level water authorisations granted under CAR.


55. Do you agree with the list of standard conditions for Activity B1?