Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: ​Proposed Standard Conditions for Registration level activities

Closes 24 Nov 2024

3. Standard conditions for industrial activities: registration level activities

There are several industrial activities moving from permit to registration level under proposed amendments to EASR. Currently, these activities are regulated under the Pollution Prevention Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 and operators must comply with conditions in a bespoke or standard rules permit when undertaking the activity. The standard conditions proposed for these registration level activities under proposed amendments to EASR are set out in this section. If you already have a Permit for one of these activities, the proposed standard conditions should look familiar as we are not proposing many changes.

There are also three new activities that we intend to authorise at the registration level. These are:

  • Carbon capture and storage using direct capture/physical separation methods (note: other forms of carbon capture such as chemical and physical absorption require a Permit).
  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) of less than 100 tonnes per day of non-waste materials (note: AD of greater than 100 tonnes per day of non-waste materials requires a Permit).
  • Generators of electricity on the same site with an aggregated rated thermal input of 1 megawatt or more.

In this section, we will set out the following:

  • Core standard conditions for industrial activity registrations.
  • Standard conditions for registration-level industrial activities.