Flood Risk Management Plan: Ayrshire Local Plan District consultation

Closed 31 Oct 2021

Opened 30 Jul 2021


This is the consultation hub for the Ayrshire Flood Risk Management Plan (previously called the flood risk management strategies) led by SEPA and Ayrshire Local Flood Risk Management Plan, led by North Ayrshire Council. The consultation is being delivered in two phases.  

Phase one of the consultation opened on the 21 December 2020 with draft information for the flood risk management plans available for review. This consisted of background information for the Local Plan District and Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) and identifies localised target areas. 

In phase two, opening on 30 July 2021, draft information on the flood risk management plan and local flood risk management plan will be available along with consultation questions. The information in phase two includes draft objectives and actions to manage flooding in target areas with additional detail on how and when the actions from the flood risk management plans will be delivered and coordinated locally. We encourage you to provide your views and shape the way that flood risk is managed in Scotland. 

If you have any queries regarding the consultation, initially see the FAQ document. If this does not answer your question please contact frmplanning@sepa.org.uk  with 'FRM Consultation' in the subject line. 

Why your views matter

It is estimated there are 23,000 homes and businesses at risk of flooding in the Ayrshire Local Plan District. Climate change is projected to increase this number by an estimated 47,000 by the 2080s.

The flood risk management plan and local flood risk management plan work together to set the short to long term objectives and establish how actions will be delivered to manage the devastating impact of flooding. The plans embed information on climate change to establish the actions required now to adapt to future flood risk and ensure Scotland is resilient to flooding.  

SEPA and local authorities have worked in partnership to develop and refine these updated plans. 

By responding to the consultation, you can have your say on how flood risk is managed in Scotland in the future. 

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What happens next

Once the consultation has closed, where it has been agreed by the responder, consultation responses will be shared with the relevant local authority. SEPA will develop a digest of responses. This digest will be completed by 31 December and will be submitted to Scottish Ministers. The responses provided during the consultation will be considered when developing the final versions of the flood risk management plans and the local flood risk management plans. 


  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Landowners/ managers
  • National Parks
  • SEPA Staff
  • FRM LAG members
  • Public
  • Developers
  • Local community


  • Flood Risk Management Planning