Proposed Changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and Fit and Proper Person Test
Simplification of call-in process
In Figure 1 we propose to simplify Step 3 and remove some of the steps associated with the call-in process, to reflect the changes made to EASR.
The text to be removed is:
‘If you believe that your views have not been addressed, are material to SEPA’s determination of the permit and meet the criteria for third party call-in, you have 21 days to ask Ministers to make the decision instead.’
The new text will read.
‘Scottish Ministers may choose to call in an application for their own determination. More information on this process is available here: process for considering third party representations.’
We will also remove the final sentence under ‘How can I get involved in permit consultations’ to reflect the changes made by EASR.
The text to be removed is:
“The four month period does not include the process of third party representations whereby respondents have 21 days to ask Scottish Ministers to determine the permit instead.”