Proposed Changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and Fit and Proper Person Test

Closes 30 Mar 2025

Other changes to the guidance on who can hold an authorisation

Where an Authorised Person no longer exists or has died

The amendments to EASR now allow us to end an authorisation if the authorised person no longer exists or has passed away. The guidance will be amended to make this clear.

Compliance Assessment Scheme (CAS)

The guidance refers to our Compliance Assessment Scheme (CAS) at various points and in the Annex. We don't use this scheme to assess operator performance, but undertake compliance verification to ensure operators meet their environmental obligations.  We will amend the guidance to remove specific reference to the CAS. 

Private Sewage Treatment Systems

A proposed amendment to EASR means that we are not legally required to apply Fit and Proper Person Test to authorisations for private sewage activities. The guidance will be amended to make this clear.