Dawnfresh: Cumbrae CAR consultation

Closed 28 May 2021

Opened 22 Apr 2021

Results updated 26 Jul 2022

SEPA granted the Permit CAR/L/1178037 on 4 April 2022.


It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted.

If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 28 May 2021.

We aware that a number of people have not been in a position to access our online portal and would rather make representations in writing. In recognition of this and our timing of notifying everyone of an appropriate postal address we have decided to accept relevant written submissions up until and including Monday 7th June 2021.

Written representation can be sent to:

FAO Head of Permitting
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Angus Smith Building
6 Parklands Avenue
North Lanarkshire


Application details

We received an application from Dawnfresh Farming Ltd. (CAR/L/1178037), for a new marine pen fish farm off the Island of Great Cumbrae at NGR: NS 1826 5494.

The application form provided by the applicant is available below.

The applicant will place an advert in the national and local press. You have until 28 May 2021 to submit your objections

Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to let us know about any risks you believe the development will have on:

  • the water environment, including potential impacts to marine life.
  • the interests of users of the water environment, resulting from the proposed discharge of:
    • organic matter;
    • sea lice medicine residues;
    • other chemical emissions.

Your comments will be published unless you ask us not to, in which case we’ll publish a note saying that we received a response but have not made it publicly available.

What happens next

The following document is a list of representations made between 22 April 2021 and 28 May 2021: Cumbrae Representation Extract - redacted

SEPA issued a letter outlining the proposed determination to everyone who made a representation on 15 October 2021, providing these people with the opportunity to notify Scottish Ministers of any objections to the decision.

Scottish Ministers received objections to the proposed determination and SEPA await confirmation as to whether Scottish Ministers intend to call in the application for their determination.


  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Fisheries
  • Aquaculture
  • Public
  • Water
  • Local community


  • Water Regulation
  • Restoration
  • Fisheries
  • Protected areas
  • Water Quality
  • Flood Risk Management Planning
  • River Basin Management Planning
  • Aquaculture
  • Community feedback
  • Regulated activities