Dounreay Site Restoration Limited application to vary permit EAS/P/1173599

Closed 25 Mar 2022

Opened 25 Feb 2022


It is part of SEPA’s remit to regulate the disposal of radioactive substances within Scotland, we do this through the issuing of permits.  These permits regulate the quantity and activity of waste which may be disposed of to a disposal facility over its operational lifetime.

Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL) operate the Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility adjacent to the Dounreay Nuclear site in accordance with a radioactive substances permit. This consultation has been issued in response to an application from DSRL to vary this permit.

If you wish to review the DSRL application and supporting documents and provide comments for SEPA to consider as part of our process to determine if we will grant the variation please submit then to us by 25 March 2022.

As part of this application SEPA has concluded that there are no actions required in relation to The Transboundary Radioactive Contamination (Scotland) Direction 2021. This direction effectively replaces what would have been required under Article 37 of the EURATOM Treaty that would have been required prior to Brexit.

Application details

We received an application from the Dounreay Site Restoration Limited Low Level Waste Disposal Facilities, on 12 August 2021 for a variation to permit EAS/P/1173599

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DSRL have submitted a number of documents in support of their application. The documents include the application form as submitted by the applicant, along with technical and non-technical supporting documents. These are available below.


Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to let us know about any material information that you believe SEPA should consider as part of our determination process.

Should you wish to submit a response to this consultation, you can:

  • follow through with the pages linked to below:
  • submit your response to
  • send by post to:

Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Angus Smith Building
6 Parklands Avenue
North Lanarkshire

What happens next

Thank you for your comments provided to this consultation. SEPA is now processing the application to arrive at our draft decision on whether or not to grant a variation to the permit. Some of the elements that SEPA will take into consideration during this process are listed below:

  • details contained within the application;
  • responses from consultees and members of the public;
  • further information that SEPA may have sought from the applicant;
  • SEPA guidance “Near-surface Disposal Facilities on Land for Solid Radioactive Wastes: Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation. February 2009”;
  • SEPA policy;
  • government policy and any related direction.

After arriving at a draft determination of the variation application SEPA will re-engage with all consultees, and those who have responded to this consultation to let them know of the proposed outcome. Should SEPA be minded to grant the variation application, a copy of the proposed permit variation will also be supplied.


  • Nuclear Industry


  • Radioactive waste
  • Radioactivity
  • Radiation
  • Remediation
  • Restoration
  • Land quality
  • Contamination
  • Permit application