Consultation on our Objectives and Principles for Regulating Radioactive Substances Activities

Closes 5 May 2025

Consultation questions

5. How easy or difficult do you find the policy statement to read?
6. How easy or difficult do you find the policy statement to understand?
7. How much do you agree or disagree that our objectives for regulating radioactive substances activities fulfil the recommendations made by ICRP?
8. How much do you agree or disagree that our objectives for regulating radioactive substances activities meet the standards set by IAEA?
9. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

“Justification – Radioactive substances activities must be justified before we can authorise them.”

10. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

“Optimisation – Radiological protection of the public must be optimised.”

11. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances? “Justification – Radioactive substances activities must be justified before we can authorise them.”

“Dose Limitation – Radiation doses to the public from radioactive substances activities must be kept within statutory dose limits.”

12. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

"Radiological protection of wild animals and plants – Wild animals and plants, including all forms of non-human species, must be protected from harmful effects of ionising radiation from radioactive substances activities.”

13. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

“Protection from non-radioactive hazards – People and the environment must be protected from the non-radiological hazards of radioactive substances to a level that is consistent with that provided by the relevant legislation, policy and guidance for non-radioactive substances.”

14. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

“Safe and secure management of radioactive substances – Radioactive substances must be safely and securely managed and an adequate level of security must be in place for sealed radioactive sources.”

15. How much do you agree or disagree that the following principle will help achieve our objectives for regulating radioactive substances?

“Lifetime planning for radioactive substances activities – Radioactive substances should be managed throughout their lifetime to ensure people and the environment are protected both now and in the future.”

16. How much do you agree or disagree that the policy statement is internally consistent ?
17. Do you want to say anything more about how the policy presents, explains or applies our principles?
18. Do you any suggestions for improving or expanding on our principles, so that they are sufficient to help us meet our objectives?