Consultation on the Environmental Standards for Inputs of Radioactive Substances into Groundwater

Closes 5 May 2025

Consultation Questions

5. How easy or difficult do you find the policy statement to read?
6. How easy or difficult do you find the policy statement to understand?
7. Do you agree that the proposed standards are sufficient to protect people, wildlife and the environment?
8. Do you agree that our proposed assessment approach is sufficient to protect people, wildlife and the environment?
9. Does the policy statement clearly show where we have derived our standards and assessment approach from?
10. How much do you agree that the policy statement is internally consistent?
11. Do you want to say anything more about how the policy statement presents or explains our standards and approach?
12. Have you any suggestions for improving or expanding on our policy statement, so that it is sufficient to help us meet our objectives for regulating radioactive substances activities?