HMNB Clyde Application Consultation
Feedback updated 19 Jun 2020
We asked
We consulted on an application received from the Ministry of Defence regarding HMNB Clyde and radioactive substances. The consultation ran between the January and March 2020 and provided the opportunity to comment on proposed changes to existing agreements that cover the disposal of radioactive waste from both Coulport and Faslane.
You said
We received over 7,000 responses that we are currently in the process of reviewing.
We did
The very high number of responses received together with the change to working arrangements due to COVID-19 has resulted in a delay to our review of responses and which will also delay progress of the application process. This page will be updated to include a summary of the consultation responses, when they have been reviewed, and our decision record.
SEPA has received an application to approve radioactive waste disposal from HMNB Clyde. It is SEPA practice to consult with a number of organisations and the wider public on such applications.
What happens next
Any responses received before the closing date will be considered by SEPA when determining the application. Comments are invited on the understanding that they may be made public by SEPA. Comments will only be treated as “not for publication” if a specific request to that effect is made to SEPA (via Question 10).
A decision document explaining outcome of the application determination and consultation will be published in due course.
- Public
- Radioactive waste
- Radioactivity
- Radiation
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