Current condition and challenges for the future: Solway Tweed river basin district

Closed 22 Jun 2014

Opened 19 Dec 2013


This public consultation provides you with the opportunity to contribute to the development of new approaches for the water management challenges for the Solway Tweed river basin district. It is set in the context of an update on the condition of the water environment and our progress on delivering the first management plan published in 2009 which set targets for water management for 2015 and beyond.

The information and analyses presented in this document support the development of the second river basin plan to be published in 2015. Specifically, we are looking for your views and ideas for making the step change required to meet these key challenges.

Since publishing the first river basin plan our understanding of impacts on the water environment has greatly improved and partnership working has strengthened. However, there is still a lot of work to be done in order to meet the challenge of achieving good ecological status for the waters in the Solway Tweed river basin. Your input to this consultation and involvement in the second river basin plan is essential to meet our shared goal of sustainable water management.


James Curran                                     Steve Moore

Chief Executive                                  Director North West

SEPA                                                   Environment Agency



The full PDF version of the reports and the inventory of emissions can be found in the related documents links section below.



  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Distilling
  • Hydropower
  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Fisheries
  • Industry
  • Landowners/ managers
  • Forestry
  • Aquaculture
  • National Parks


  • Bathing waters
  • Water Regulation
  • Diffuse pollution
  • Restoration
  • Fisheries
  • Protected areas
  • Water Quality
  • Water flows and levels