Active Travel Network Route Consultation

Closed 24 Aug 2020

Opened 16 Jul 2020


Amey Consulting on behalf of The Leven Programme has carried out an assessment of an active travel network over the whole Levenmouth area and, through this process, has identified routes that will provide the greatest benefit. The resulting proposed active travel network is shown on the plan below.

Download the map as a PDF.

The proposed active travel network shown on the map is made up of the following route types:

Key routes - these are longer length routes that are intended to provide improved active travel infrastructure to core locations such as areas of employment, education, retail, recreation or key transport hubs.

Connecting routes – these links provide a connection between other types of routes and into and between communities. They tend to be much shorter than the key routes.

Riverside connecting routes – like the connecting routes these provide links to and across the River Leven and across the rail line.

The walking and wheeling improvements that are being considered include:

  • widening of existing footways and footpaths to cater for users of all abilities;
  • new pedestrian crossings introduced at locations where it is difficult to cross;
  • footway build outs at junctions to aid crossing;
  • pedestrian priority at side roads to make crossing easier.

The cycle improvements that could be considered along these routes are:

  • segregating cycles from both vehicle traffic and pedestrians;
  • modifying signal controlled crossings to allow cyclists to cross at them;
  • 20mph zones;
  • widening of footways to provide shared use paths for all users including cycles.

What impacts would our proposals have on:

Vehicle traffic

  • Potential changes to traffic flows at signal controlled junctions.
  • Traffic Regulation Orders may be required in certain locations to alter the direction of vehicular travel to create the space needed for safer walking, wheeling and cycling.

Parking and loading

  • Some current on-street parking areas may be moved or reallocated. Parking surveys will be carried out to make sure parking is adequate.

Businesses, servicing and deliveries

  • There is not expected to be any impact on services and deliveries as a result of the scheme.


All proposals will have a focus on equality and accessibility. We will consult with accessibility groups and produce an Equality Impact Assessment for all designs.

  • Parking for blue badge holders will be retained.

What about the Leven Rail Link?

  • We are working closely with Network Rail while they complete their options appraisal on station locations. When they have received agreement from Transport Scotland and confirmed the locations of the stations we will connect the active travel network to the stations and work with them to help provide facilities there.
  • We will also look to provide accessible opportunities to cross the river and railway to maintain north-south connectivity.

Why your views matter

The purpose of the consultation is to:

  • provide the public and stakeholders with easily to understand information about the proposed active travel network and allow you to respond;
  • assess the level of support for the proposals;
  • understand any issues that might affect the proposals which we were not previously aware of;
  • recognise concerns and objections.

Why you should take part in the consultation

We will collate and review all of the feedback we receive from this consultation. We will then respond to concerns by either making changes to the proposed route or provide more information.

The potential outcomes of this consultation are:

  • following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide to proceed with the scheme as set out below;
  • following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we modify the scheme in response to issues raised during the consultation and proceed with a revised scheme;
  • following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide not to proceed with the scheme.

Questions and answers

Will I have other opportunities to respond?

  • Further consultation will take place as the project develops. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more opportunities to get involved and keep up to date with our plans.

How is the project being funded?

What is the timescale for the project?

  • The next stage of the project is for Amey to develop concept designs for each of the active travel routes, produce outline costings and prepare a submission for funding to the ‘Places for Everyone Panel’ which is expected to meet in Autumn 2020.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community feedback