Closed consultations

212 results

  • PPC/A/5005379 - Bioconstruct Newenergy Ltd: Bangley Quarry Biogas - PPC Permit Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Bioconstruct NewEnergy Limited for a permit to operate an installation Bangley Quarry Biogas at Bangley Quarry, Haddington, EH41 3SP A summary of their... More
    Closed 18 March 2024
  • CAR/L/5005080 - Scottish Sea Farms Limited: Billy Baa MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 23 February 2024. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 23 February 2024
  • CAR/L/1004085 - MOWI Scotland Limited: North Shore West MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 18 January 2024. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 18 January 2024
  • CAR/L/1129789 - MOWI Scotland Limited: North Shore East MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 3 January 2024. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 3 January 2024
  • PPC/A/5005898 - D A & E M Skinner: Lazyfold Farm, Duncanstone, Insch - PPC Permit Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from D.A.& E.M Skinner for a permit to operate an installation PPC/A/5005898 at Lazyfold Farm, Duncanstone, Insch, Aberdeenshire, AB52 6YX to rear pigs intensively in an... More
    Closed 28 December 2023
  • Climate Change Adaptation Measures

    SEPA is seeking information on the guidance you use and measures you are using or planning to consider when you implement climate change adaptation work. We will use the information from the questionnaire as intelligence to decide which sites we need to carry out intervention work on climate change adaptation in the future. For those companies who have more than one site in Scotland, we will need a completed questionnaire for each site as adapting to climate change is site specific... More
    Closed 30 November 2023
  • PPC/A/1008835 - Piramal Healthcare UK Limited: Earls Road, Grangemouth - PPC Variation application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Piramal Healthcare UK Limited to vary their existing PPC permit, PPC/A/1008835, at Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8XG. A summary of their application is available below: ... More
    Closed 22 November 2023
  • Emissions Trading Charging Scheme

    This consultation outlines the proposed changes for the fees we charge for regulating operators under the UK Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), and specifically aviation operators. As part of our work to deliver Our Approach to Regulation , we ensure that charges still meet our goals. Greenhouse gas emissions are a major challenge to the environment and the Emissions Trading Scheme is a key element in our strategy. Why are we consulting? We are the regulator for compliance and... More
    Closed 21 November 2023
  • Proposals to increase the reservoirs (Scotland) charging fees scheme 2024

    This consultation outlines the proposed changes to the fees we charge for the work we undertake relating the Reservoirs (Scotland) Act 2011 and the Reservoirs (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and how we intend to review these charges in 2024. As part of our work to deliver Our Approach to Regulation , we will ensure that our charges still meet our goals. Why are we consulting? SEPA are the regulator for compliance and enforcement of the Reservoirs (Scotland) Act 2011 and the... More
    Closed 21 November 2023
  • Proposals to amend the transfrontier shipment of waste fees and charges (Scotland)

    This consultation outlines the proposed changes to the fees we currently charge for regulating the shipment of notifiable waste (i.e. those wastes subject to the procedure of prior written notification and consent). As part of our work to deliver Our Approach to Regulation , we ensure that charges still meet our goals. Ensuring that hazardous and other wastes are shipped in an environmentally sound manner is a key element in our regulatory approach. The introduction of a new... More
    Closed 21 November 2023
  • CAR/L/1015768 - Loch Duart Limited: Oldany MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 5 October 2023. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 5 October 2023
  • Detailed proposals for a risk-based, spatial framework for managing interaction between sea lice from marine finfish farm developments and wild salmonids in Scotland

    This consultation asks for your views on our detailed proposals for a risk-based framework for managing the interaction between sea lice from open-net pen finfish farms and wild salmonids in Scotland. It follows on from our first consultation on the main elements of the proposed framework, issued in December 2021 . In developing the details of the framework, we have followed the Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code of Practice , designing the framework to be transparent,... More
    Closed 15 September 2023
  • Authorisation of assets identified under RBMP as barriers to fish migration

    In line with SEPA’s duties under the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS), we identify artificial barriers to fish migration. Where a man-made fish barrier exists, and there is significant suitable habitat in the catchment upstream of the identified barrier(s), work may be required to either remove or ease these barriers to facilitate the passage of fish. There is a statutory driver to address these barriers to fish migration and in line with the River Basin... More
    Closed 27 August 2023
  • CAR/L/1003494 - Scottish Sea Farms Limited: Fishnish B MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 3 August 2023. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 3 August 2023
  • PPC/A/1032878 - Viridor Dunbar Waste Services Limited: Dunbar Energy Recovery Facility, Oxwellmains, Dunbar, EH42 1SW - PPC Variation application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Viridor Dunbar Waste Services Ltd to vary their existing PPC permit PPC/A/1032878 at Oxwellmains, Dunbar, East Lothian, EH42 1SW to increase the annual throughput capacity... More
    Closed 20 July 2023
  • PPC/A/1013141 - Petroineos Manufacturing Scotland Limited: Bo'ness Road, Grangemouth - PPC SEPA Initiated Variation

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Variation details SEPA proposes to vary the existing permit of Petroineos Manufacturing Scotland Limited PPC/A/1013141/CON01 at Grangemouth Refinery, Grangemouth, FK3 9XH to extend one part of the Derogation relating to Sulphur... More
    Closed 17 July 2023
  • CAR/L/1009968/C1 - MOWI Scotland Limited: Gorsten MPFF

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 13 July 2023. Application details We received an application from MOWI... More
    Closed 13 July 2023
  • PPC/A/5004351: East Lothian Eggs Limited, Howden Farm, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4JS Permit Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from East Lothian Eggs Limited for a new permit to operate an installation at Howden Farm, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4JS to to increase capacity of the existing free range egg... More
    Closed 5 July 2023
  • CAR/L/5004991 - Bakkafrost Scotland Limited: West Gigha MPFF, CAR Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 27 June 2023. Application details We received an application from... More
    Closed 27 June 2023
  • Engaging with stakeholders

    Recognising the diverse range of views of finfish aquaculture, we are keen to hear directly from individuals, interest groups, NGOs, communities, companies and others with a view on any regulatory proposals, as well as new permit applications or variations received. Stakeholder engagement on framework development Between November and December 2018, we held nine community drop-in events and 28 one-to-one meetings across Scotland. These were facilitated between SEPA... More
    Closed 15 June 2023
  • Levenmouth River Park Routes Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) Consultation

    Pre-application consultation Whilst there have been a range of community engagement events and activities held by the Leven Programme over the last three years, we are now holding two further public drop-in events to allow interested parties to view and comment on the current proposals for the Levenmouth Connectivity Project River Park Routes in advance of making an application for planning permission. The first event will allow the public to provide feedback on working... More
    Closed 26 May 2023
  • Levenmouth River Park Routes Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) consultation

    As part of the Levenmouth Connectivity Project Active Travel Network, which is being delivered jointly by Fife Council and Green Action Trust as part of the Leven Programme, the River Park Routes (RPR) proposed development is a new path network for shared use between walkers, wheelers and cyclists within the River Leven valley. The River Park Routes project will deliver approximately 11km of new and upgraded off-road paths within the river valley, providing links through the proposed... More
    Closed 26 May 2023
  • CAR/L/1009970/C1 - MOWI Scotland Limited: Ardgour MPFF, Loch Linnhe, CAR Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 25 May 2023. Application details We received an application from MOWI... More
    Closed 25 May 2023
  • PPC/A/5001983 - Whiteshore Cockles Ltd: Whiteshore Cockles Salmon Morts Processing Facility, Bayhead, North Uist - PPC Permit Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Whiteshore Cockles for a permit to operate an installation at Kyles, Paible, Isle Of North Uist to treat and recover putrescible fish farm mortality waste as an... More
    Closed 16 May 2023
  • PPC/A/1151298 - James Jones & Sons Ltd: Hangingshaw Timber Processing Facility, Lockerbie - PPC Variation Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from James Jones & Sons Ltd to vary their existing PPC permit PPC/A/1151298 at Hangingshaw Timber Treatment Facility, Hangingshaw, Lockerbie, DG11 2SL to expand their current operations... More
    Closed 18 April 2023
  • CAR/L/SEPA2021-126 - MOWI Scotland Limited: Stulaigh South MPFF CAR Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted. If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 6 April 2023. Application details We received an application from MOWI... More
    Closed 6 April 2023
  • PPC/W/0020057 - Dunbia Highland Meats: Blakely Road, Saltcoats, KA21 5JQ PPC Variation

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Dunbia Highland Meats to vary their existing PPC permit (PPC/W/0020057) at Blakely Road, Saltcoats, KA21 5JQ to relocate the sites Effluent Treatment Plant to another area within... More
    Closed 24 March 2023
  • Consultation on the implementation of the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 for radioactive substances activities

    The Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations (EASR) came in to force in 2018 for radioactive substances activities and replaced the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (RSA). During the development of EASR, the Scottish Government and SEPA held several consultations on the Integrated Authorisation Framework for: environmental activities; the draft regulations and associated guidance; charging scheme ; ... More
    Closed 22 March 2023
  • PPC/A/5003791 - Craignathro Eggs Limited: Easter Meathie Free Range Egg Farm, Forfar - PPC Permit Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from Craignathro Eggs Limited for a permit to operate an installation at Easter Meathie Free Range Egg Farm, Forfar, Angus, DD8 2LF to intensively rear free range laying hens in an... More
    Closed 14 March 2023
  • PPC/W/0020041 - FCC Waste Services Ltd: Greengairs Landfill - PPC Variation Application

    It is part of SEPA’s remit to maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations operating under Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Part A regulations. Application details We received an application from FCC Waste Services (UK) Limited to vary their existing PPC permit (PPC/W/0020041) at Greengairs Landfill, Meikle Drumgray Road, Greengairs, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, ML6 7TD to... More
    Closed 20 January 2023
212 results. Page 2 of 8