Blencathra Hydro Limited: River Pattack Hydro Scheme CAR Application
Results updated 22 Feb 2023
SEPA granted the Permit variation CAR/L/1123625 on 2 November 2022
It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the water environment. We regulate through authorisations that limit the scope and scale of the activity.
If you have an interest in this application, please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 28 May 2022.
Application Details
We received an application from Blencartha Hydro Limited, on 22 November 2021 for a variation to an existing CAR authorisation CAR/L/1123625.
The application form provided by the applicant is available below:
- Form D
- Form G
- Inundation Drawings/Photos (Figure 5, 7, 8 and 9)
- Design Drawings (Figure 6)
- New Weir Site Plan (Figure 20)
- Drawings South Track (Figure 8)
- Modelling 2021 MML Hydrology Note
- Fish Habitat Survey
- Weir Design Statement
The applicant has placed an advert in the national and local press. You have until 28 May 2022 to submit your comments.
Why your views matter
Why are we consulting?
This is your opportunity to let us know about any risks you believe the activity(ies) will have on:
- the water environment, including potential impacts to species and habitats
- the interests of other users of the water environment, resulting from an aspect of the proposed activity(ies) that we regulate.
How we will manage responses
At the end of the consultation, we will publish all comments. You can tell us within the consultation if you do not want your comment published. If this is the case, we will publish a note saying that we received a response but have not made it publicly available.
We will write to everyone who responded to the consultation and provided contact details, outlining the feedback received, how it has been taken into account and our proposed decision. If you disagree with our decision, you will be given the opportunity to request that Scottish Ministers ‘call-in’ the application for their determination.
Scottish Minister may agree to call-in an application if:
- the representation provides clear reason for the objection, supported by evidence;
- the objection relates to material considerations raised during determination of the application.
The full criteria for Ministerial consideration are listed on
The final decision will be published on this website along with the authorisation, if granted.
What happens next
SEPA did not receive any representations dueing the consultation period.
- Agriculture
- Mining
- Distilling
- Hydropower
- Local Authorities
- Responsible Authorities
- Fisheries
- Industry
- Landowners/ managers
- Forestry
- National Parks
- Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC)
- Public
- Developers
- Water
- Water Regulation
- Regulated activities
- Better regulation
- Permit application
- Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations
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