Proposals to change subsistence fees for materials facilities

Closed 11 Sep 2024

Opened 17 Jul 2024


The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, protecting and improving Scotland’s environment. We charge the businesses we regulate for the work we do to regulate them. We are committed to making sure our charges are fair and transparent. We want them to reflect the full cost of the chargeable services we provide. To achieve this, we propose to amend the additional subsistence charge for materials facilities operations to make sure we fully cover the cost of our activities.

From 1 April 2025, a new statutory Code of Practice on Sampling and Reporting at Material Facilities (the New Code) is due to come into force. The New Code replaces the existing Code of Practice on Sampling and Reporting at Materials Recovery Facilities (the 2015 Code).

As well as continuing the policy intent of the 2015 Code, the New Code should support the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging from 2025 through data sharing and analysis. Packaging EPR is being introduced by the Scottish Government, alongside the other governments of the UK, as part of their work to build a more circular economy and address the global climate emergency.

Why your views matter

We've reviewed the activity component (subsistence) charge which applies to facilities subject to the New Code against our regulatory costs. We know our charges can affect those we regulate so we have considered our proposals carefully. We're always interested to hear how you think we can regulate more fairly, while safeguarding the environment more effectively.

We must be consistent and transparent about the charges for services we provide and follow guidance set out in the Scottish Public Finance Manual and Treasury guidance to managing public money when setting those charges. All proposed charges will be subject to approval by the Scottish Ministers.

You can respond to the consultation online. If you require any assistance, please contact:

Responses must be submitted before midnight on 11 September 2024.

How we use your feedback

As Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, our purpose is to protect, improve Scotland’s environment in ways that as far as possible also create health and well-being benefits, and sustainable economic growth.

Our Corporate Plan sets our strategic agenda and our Annual Operating Plan implements our priorities. In delivering these priorities we engage with those who have an interest in and are impacted by our regulations and duties. One way we engage is through consultations. The feedback we receive through our consultations helps us to understand what matters most to those that are interested and affected by our work and helps to shape how we implement our duties. After the consultation closes we’ll take time to consider responses before sharing an update with you through the “we asked, you said, we did” section of our consultation website.


  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Industry
  • Team Unit Managers
  • Department Managers
  • Management
  • Operations
  • Public
  • EA, SEPA and NRW Staff
  • Waste


  • Regulated activities
  • SEPA charges
  • Better regulation
  • Staff health and wellbeing