Consultation hub

As Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, our purpose is to protect and improve Scotland’s environment in ways that as far as possible also create health and well-being benefits, and sustainable economic growth.

To help us achieve this, we talk with those who matter most – our communities, the businesses we regulate and their stakeholders and our partners.

Open consultations

  • Marine pen fish farming: Charging changes

    This consultation asks for your views on potential changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Charging Scheme 2018 (the charging scheme). Our proposal is to raise additional charges from the marine pen fish farming sector in order to recover the costs associated with enhanced environmental monitoring. This monitoring will investigate the potential impact of sea lice upon salmonids for the...

    Closes 18 February 2025

  • Proposed Changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and Fit and Proper Person Test

    The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) are Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, protecting and improving Scotland’s environment. In 2018, Scottish Government brought in the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR 2018), referred to in this consultation as ‘EASR’. The aim of EASR is to provide a standardised, simplified, common framework for...

    Closes 30 March 2025

  • Advertised applications under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011

    Operators who require to carry out certain activities in and around the water environment for pollution control, abstraction, impoundment and engineering require an authorisation issued by SEPA under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 to undertake their activities. SEPA, through regulation, will maintain a high-quality environment by setting...

    Closes 4 April 2025

  • Consultation under Industrial Emissions Directive

    Operators of Part A activities require a permit issued by SEPA under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (PPC) in order to be able to undertake their activities. SEPA, through regulation, will maintain a high-quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with installations and then by ensuring that operators comply with these...

    Closes 14 April 2027

  • Finfish aquaculture: Advertised applications under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011

    SEPA, as one of a number of organisations regulating finfish aquaculture, will maintain a high quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with fish farms and then by ensuring that operators comply with these conditions. On this aquaculture hub, you’ll find a list of open consultations for marine pen fish farm applications. You...

    Closes 30 June 2027

Closed consultations

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

As part of our review of Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) for flood risk management in Scotland, we asked for your views on:

  • Moving to community-scale PVAs.
  • Designating specific communities as PVAs.
  • Improving SEPA’s flood preparedness tools and resources.

You said

  • 64% of you agreed with our approach, describing it as sensible and fair. However, 10% of you disagreed, raising concerns about gaps in addressing surface water flooding and the accuracy of our flood data.
  •  71% of you supported the move to community-scale PVAs, saying it made the designations clearer and more relevant locally. Some of you, however, expressed concerns about how this change might shift responsibilities for flood management.
  • 52% of you agreed with the proposed designations for your local areas, but 33% disagreed, citing concerns about flood data accuracy, potential impacts on property sales, and insurance premiums.
  • You told us that our flood preparedness resources need to be more user-friendly and accessible.

We did

We discussed your feedback with local authorities and made several changes to community designations. We added Finavon and Kinbuck as new PVAs based on evidence received from the consultation. We expanded the boundaries for Bannockburn and Oban to better match their community boundaries. For Golspie, we updated the PVA description to clarify the flood risks. Additionally, we will use your feedback to improve SEPA’s flood tools, making them easier to understand and use. These changes will help us refine our flood risk management plans to meet community needs.

We asked

In January 2024, we sought your views on the type of authorisation that we propose to use for the authorisation of waste management, water, and industrial activities under the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR 2018). We also provided an explanation, where necessary, on why an activity requires the type of authorisation proposed. 

In the consultation, we asked two types of question: 

  1. Those where we sought agreement for our proposed approach on the type, tier and wording of an activity and authorisation that would be required. 

  1. Those where we were seeking views that will help us to develop future consultations on, for example, the wording of standard conditions. 

The consultation was open from 17 January 2024 to 12 April 2024.

You said

In total, we received 63 consultation responses from stakeholders. 

Overall, the response was positive, with 83.7% of respondents agreeing to our proposed approach on the type, tier and wording of the activities and authorisations.

See our consultation summary for more details.

We did

We have taken on board your comments and feedback and made some changes to our proposals. For example, to some activity thresholds and updating some activity descriptions to make them clearer. Where you fed back that further clarity was need, we have reviewed this and will integrated into future proposals that we will consult on in due course.

Read our Consultation digest for more information on the responses we received and what we have done in response.

We asked

We consulted in December on our outline proposals for the new, spatially based risk assessment framework for regulating the interaction between sea lice from marine finfish farms and wild Atlantic salmon.

The framework will be applied through the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011.

We worked closely with scientists from Marine Scotland to develop the technical details of the proposed framework as well as with NatureScot and local planning authorities.

Input from stakeholder groups on the Salmon Interactions Working Group (finfish producers, fishery management organisations and environmental NGOs) was invaluable in helping shape and refine the framework during its development.

The proposed framework would be implemented by embedding it within our wider regulatory framework introduced in 2019, which already regulates all discharges from marine finfish farms to the water environment.

You said

In total, we received consultation responses from 62 stakeholders.

We have published all stakeholder responses below, with personal information redacted.

We did

We have read and considered all the responses and have made some changes to the framework as a result. We also held a series of workshops/engagement sessions in June 2022 to update stakeholders on changes to the framework and the implementation process that we were considering and take onboard any additional feedback and comments.

The main changes we intend to take forward are summarised below, alongside our full analysis of the consultation response.

  • We have decided that sea trout should be included from the beginning of the framework. We will initially focus on providing protection of sea trout in Wild Salmon Protection Zones during the early sea phase of their lifecycle and the development of a sea trout monitoring programme that will provide information to help assess risk and further develop the regime.
  • We will produce a further consultation in early 2023 detailing how the framework will operate in practice before implementing the regime. This consultation will include details of the choices we have made on controls that will apply and an assessment of the social and economic implications of the framework.
  • To allow time for further consultation and development of risk screening models, we will now work towards starting to apply the framework to applications for proposed new farms and expansions of existing farms in the second half of 2023. However, it is important we get it right and, if necessary, we will take additional time if needed.