Finfish aquaculture: Advertised applications under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011

Closes 30 Jun 2027

Opened 22 Apr 2021


SEPA, as one of a number of organisations regulating finfish aquaculture, will maintain a high quality environment by setting permit conditions which limit the impacts associated with fish farms and then by ensuring that operators comply with these conditions.

On this aquaculture hub, you’ll find a list of open consultations for marine pen fish farm applications. You can send us any comments here.

As part of our determination, SEPA will consider risks to the water environment (including potential impacts to marine species and habitats) and the interests of other users of the water environment resulting from an aspect of the proposed farm development that we regulate. 

Each consultation will be open for a minimum of 28 days.

How we use your feedback

As Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, our purpose is to protect and improve Scotland’s environment in ways that, as far as possible, also contribute to improving health and well-being and achieving sustainable economic growth. Our Corporate Plan 2024-2027 sets our strategic ambition and priorities. Our Annual Operating Plans set out how we will implement our priorities every year.

In delivering these priorities we engage with those who have an interest in and/or are affected by our regulations and duties. One way we engage is through formal consultations. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think about our proposals. The feedback we receive helps us to understand what matters most to people and how we can deliver our duties efficiently and effectively.

After the consultation closes, we’ll consider the information we receive before publishing a digest of responses through the We asked, You said, We did section of our consultation website. This will close the consultation process by explaining how we have considered and, where appropriate, acted upon what we heard.

Who regulates what in Scotland

What SEPA regulates

  • Discharges of organic matter, medicine residues, other chemicals and the interaction between sea lice from fish farms and wild Atlantic salmon.

What others regulate

  • Fish Health InspectorateFish escapes and farmed fish health
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency and the relevant local authorityFish welfare and disposal of farmed fish mortalities
  • Marine Scotland LicensingMoorings and navigation
  • Relevant local authority Visual amenity, noise and sea lice interaction with sea trout*
  • Health & Safety Executive and the relevant local authorityWorkforce safety

* From March 2025, we will take on regulation of the interactions between sea lice from fish farms and sea trout. In the meantime, sea lice and wild fish interactions will continue to be considered by local authorities during the determination of planning applications.

How to get in touch

Please complete all consultations online where possible. If you are unable to do so, please call 03000 99 66 99 to provide your contact details and someone will arrange for an officer to call you back. 

If you wish to post your comments, please mark them for the attention of Registry and send them to:

Angus Smith Building
6 Parklands Avenue
North Lanarkshire
ML1 4WQ.

Applications advertised prior to April 2021, under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities (Scotland) Regulations 2011, can be found on the SEPA website 


Why your views matter

SEPA did not receive any representations during the consultation period.

Have your say

The list of live aquaculture CAR applications consultations is below. Please complete all consultations online where possible. Contact our Registry department to discuss any issues you have completing the online form. 

  • There are currently no live consultations.

The list of closed aquaculture CAR applications consultations is below:

SEPA has granted the Permit for the following:


  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Fisheries
  • Industry
  • Landowners/ managers
  • Aquaculture
  • Public
  • Water
  • Local community


  • Water Regulation
  • Fisheries
  • Protected areas
  • Water Quality
  • Aquaculture
  • Community feedback
  • Regulated activities