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217 results

  • Water resources management plan consultation

    Everyday the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) works to protect and enhance Scotland’s environment, helping communities and businesses thrive within the resources of our planet. This is the basis of One Planet Prosperity – Our Regulatory Strategy . This strategy sets out ways we will work in partnership with businesses, through a sector approach, helping them reduce their use of water, energy and materials and minimise waste production. The strategy also... More
    Opened 18 December 2020
  • Consultation on the hydro abstraction scheme charges

    This consultation document outlines the proposed changes for the subsistence fees we charge under The Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Charging Scheme for hydro-electric installations regulated by SEPA under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 for abstraction charges. It sets out, how these revised charges have been developed, and how you can respond to this consultation. These changes will amend the Environmental Regulation (Scotland)... More
    Opened 17 December 2020
  • Application information: DY Oldhall Energy Recovery Limited, Oldhall Energy Recovery Facility

    Application details On 25 November 2020 SEPA received an application from DY Oldhall Energy Recovery Limited for an energy from waste facility at 16 – 20 Murdoch Place, Oldhall West Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA11 5DG. This activity is regulated under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (commonly known as PPC). The initial four-week public consultation on the application is now closed. Representations out with this period can still be made to... More
    Opened 25 November 2020
  • Protecting Scotland's groundwaters from pollution

    The Scottish Government is consulting on improvements to the way in which we protect groundwater in Scotland. The 'Protecting Scotland's groundwater from pollution' consultation proposes: revised environmental standards; an updated list of groundwater hazardous substances; greater clarity about the circumstances where remediation is required and an improved approach to prioritising areas of land contamination for remedial action. To align... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Revised guidance regarding provision and assessment of technically competent management at licensed waste management facilities

    The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) proposes to alter the existing guidance document, WST-G-002 Provision and assessment of technically competent management at licensed waste management facilities. The changes reflect the fact that SEPA will now assess technical competence on the basis of any known previous compliance history as well as on approved qualifications held or bespoke assessment undertaken, rather than focusing only on the latter as was the case previously. This... More
    Opened 2 November 2020
  • Radioactive substances activities charges consultation

    This consultation document outlines the proposed changes for the fees we charge for regulating radioactive substances activities. These activities are those regulated under the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR) and those still covered by the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (RSA93) (specifically offshore). More
    Opened 20 October 2020
  • Consultation on the revised guidance on the use of enforcement action

    In 2014, the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act was passed, giving SEPA its statutory purpose to protect and improve the environment in ways that, as far as possible, create health and well-being benefits and sustainable economic growth. One Planet Prosperity is our regulatory strategy for tackling the challenges of the 21st Century facing Scotland’s environment. We want to ensure that every regulated business fully meets their compliance obligations. Non-compliance with environmental... More
    Opened 19 October 2020
  • The River Leven Park consultation

    Throughout this year, we’ve been asking local people, stakeholders and groups about the improvements they would like to see happen along the River Leven at Levenmouth, to enhance their enjoyment of the river and access to and along it. We’ve looked at all the feedback received via our online surveys and social media, and listened to ideas and concerns at various community events that we have facilitated during 2020, and fed these into a draft masterplan for the River Leven... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • Consultation on the marine fish farm charges

    There has been a significant change in the type of work SEPA has and will do in regulating the marine fish farm industry. This goes from how we assess the initial applications through to the way we monitor fish farms, audit the way operators manage their activities and directly inspect the site. We consulted at the end of 2018 on our finfish aquaculture sector plan on what we intended to do and this work then forms the basis for the changes in our work and therefore charges. ... More
    Opened 25 September 2020
  • Proposed Revision of Radioactive Substances Activities Standard Condition C.4.1.

    The purpose of this consultation is to inform you of our proposal to revise condition C.4.1 of the standard conditions for radioactive substances activities (transfer of radioactive waste outside of the United Kingdom) made under the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR) regarding the authorisation to transfer radioactive waste to a person outwith the United Kingdom. More
    Opened 22 September 2020
  • Consultation on amendment of the conditions allowing the receipt of radioactive waste and contaminated items

    The Policy for the Long Term Management of Solid Low Level Radioactive Waste in the United Kingdom (the LLW policy) published by Defra, DTI and the Devolved Administrations in 2007 says that: ‘The import of LLW from other countries may only be authorised or consented to by the competent UK authority in light of an assessment of all practicable options, and if it complies with EU and UK legislation and any associated Government guidance provided to the competent UK authority, and should... More
    Opened 30 July 2020
  • Consultation on the Emission Trading Scheme charges

    This consultation document outlines the proposed changes for the fees we charge for regulating installations regulated by SEPA under the UK Emissions Trading System/Carbon Emissions Tax from 2021, how these charges have been developed, and how you can respond to this consultation. This scheme will replace the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Fees and Charges (Scotland) Scheme 2015 as amended, which covered charging under the EU Emissions Trading System. As part of... More
    Opened 24 July 2020
  • Active Travel Network Route Consultation

    Amey Consulting on behalf of The Leven Programme has carried out an assessment of an active travel network over the whole Levenmouth area and, through this process, has identified routes that will provide the greatest benefit. The resulting proposed active travel network is shown on the plan below. Download the map as a PDF . The proposed active travel network shown on the map is made up of the following route types: Key routes - these... More
    Opened 16 July 2020
  • Spaces for People consultation

    Spaces for People is a new, temporary infrastructure programme in Scotland which offers funding and support to make it safer for people who choose to walk, cycle or wheel for essential trips and exercise during the Covid-19 outbreak. It is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Sustrans Scotland, and enables statutory bodies to implement measures focused on protecting public health, supporting physical distancing and preventing a second wave of the outbreak. Fife... More
    Opened 3 July 2020
  • Waste management (waste motor vehicle) permit consultation

    As part of our work to deliver One Planet Prosperity we have committed to simplify our permits across all sectors. Our Metals sector plan , published in December 2018, further commits to reforming metal sector permits. The first of these permits has now been revised – a simple, outcome-focussed permit for waste motor vehicle management facilities. In this consultation, we will introduce our permit reform process, outline the key changes to the permit and... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • HMNB Clyde Application Consultation

    SEPA has received an application to approve radioactive waste disposal from HMNB Clyde. It is SEPA practice to consult with a number of organisations and the wider public on such applications. More
    Opened 13 January 2020
  • Significant Water Management Issues for Scotland

    Scotland is renowned worldwide for the quality of its rivers, lochs, wetlands and seas. They are some of the country’s greatest natural assets: attracting visitors, contributing to the health and well-being of its people, supporting a rich diversity of wildlife and providing for the sustainable growth of its economy. The climate is changing and we are facing a climate emergency. Protecting and restoring our water environment to build resilience from the effects of the changing... More
    Opened 19 December 2019
  • The challenges facing our water environment in the Solway Tweed

    The water environment is essential to life and is integral to the health and wellbeing of local communities. However it is under pressure from climate change and a legacy of historic demands. We must protect the water environment from further harm and look for opportunities to restore it. River Basin Planning, and the legislation which underpins it, is the main way that this work will be delivered. It will contribute towards bringing wider benefits, reducing waste and... More
    Opened 19 December 2019
  • The Leven Programme - Connectivity Project survey

    The Leven Programme is a regeneration initiative with the environment and people at its heart. It aims to breathe life back into the River Leven and improve the areas surrounding it, making them great places to live, work and visit. Reconnecting people and place is a key focus of the Programme. Our plans start with The Connectivity Project, which will focus on improving a 5km stretch of the river from Levenmouth to Cameron Bridge. This will involve creating a network of... More
    Opened 11 December 2019
  • Non-hazardous landfill permit consultation

    As part of SEPA’s work to deliver One Planet Prosperity we have committed to simplifying our permits across all sectors. Our landfill sector plan published in November 2018 further commits to developing landfill permits with clearer obligations. The first of the landfill permits has now been completed – a simple, outcome-based permit for non-hazardous landfills. In this consultation, we will introduce you to the principles of our permit reform process,... More
    Opened 29 November 2019
  • The use of biomass or feed to regulate the organic output from marine pen fish farming to the environment

    Scotland is the largest Atlantic salmon aquaculture producer in the European Union and third in the world after Norway and Chile. A contributing factor to this is Scotland’s reputation for a high quality environment and abundant freshwater resources. SEPA’s vision is that the sector becomes a world-leading innovator in ways to minimise the environmental footprint of food production and supply; where it has a strong and positive relationship with neighbouring... More
    Opened 3 October 2019
  • SEPA Flood Risk Management Procurement Framework

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to capture your company’s views on the SEPA Flood Risk Management Framework Agreement (‘FRM Act Framework Agreement‘) for the period 2016 to June 2019. As a company that has provided services within the current framework, you are being invited to provide feedback to help us understand how well the framework has worked and where improvements can be made as we prepare our procurement strategy for the future. The questionnaire will... More
    Opened 2 October 2019
  • Waste data consultation

    We're changing today, creating a world-class organisation fit for the challenges of tomorrow, including producing information and evidence that people use to make decisions. As environmental issues become more central to health, well-being and sustainable economic growth, environmental information should be needed more to make decisions that achieve all three objectives. If our information and advice is top-quality, people will use it in their decision-making; it will not just ‘raise... More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Forestry and wood processing sector plan

    The Scottish forestry and wood processing sector recognises that protecting the environment is fundamental to its success and is foremost in all its plans and operations. That’s why this draft sector plan is so important. It spells out ideas for how SEPA can assist the sector to solve any compliance issues and to develop actions that take it well beyond compliance standards. A print version of the sector plan for consultation is also available. More
    Opened 1 July 2019
  • SEPA's WEEE Charging Scheme Consultation

    This consultation sets out the proposed charges for operators of schemes covered by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013 (and amendments) which is expected to come into force in September and apply to charges from 1st January 2020 onwards. Th consultation has ended. The responses we have received and our comments / actions are recorded in the following document ( link ). More
    Opened 18 April 2019
  • Dairy Processing Sector Plan

    Dairy processing turns Scottish farm produce into products that are sold in domestic and export markets. It is a sector that has a good record of compliance with Scotland’s environment protection laws. Opportunities exist to drive further significant reductions in energy, water and materials use throughout the sector’s operations. Importantly, these reductions should also generate economic and social gains. Innovation in process efficiency and resource recovery within the industry... More
    Opened 21 December 2018
  • Strategic Infrastructure (Transport and Utilities) Sector Plan

    The type of infrastructure a society chooses to build says a lot about the type of future it is choosing for itself. Does a society lock in a high-carbon and resource-wasteful future? Or does it build a future that is as low as possible in using natural resources in the construction of infrastructure and in the lifestyles that this infrastructure supports? That is why this draft sector plan for strategic transport and utilities infrastructure is so important. At SEPA, we are determined... More
    Opened 21 December 2018
  • Chemicals Manufacturing Sector Plan

    Chemicals are used in a variety of products and activities in modern life. The manufacture of chemicals has taken place over many years in Scotland. During this time, much has been learnt about how to reduce the environmental impact of these manufacturing processes. As new learning develops and as innovation continues apace, SEPA is determined to assist the Scottish chemicals manufacturing sector to be a world-leader in producing products that serve the needs of society in ways that... More
    Opened 21 December 2018
  • Crop Production Sector Plan

    As the world’s population grows beyond seven billion people and the global and local stresses on our environment increase, the challenge of how humanity feeds itself will be a tough one. In growing crops, as in all agricultural production, we will need to continue to look for ways to minimise environmental impact. Excellence in stewardship and the search for new forms of innovation will be the hallmarks of a vibrant crop production sector. SEPA is not the main influencer in the... More
    Opened 21 December 2018
  • Dairy Production Sector Plan

    Dairy production is an important sector in the Scottish economy. SEPA has developed a good working relationship with this sector over the past few years. Producers in this sector have made efforts to improve their environmental performance, but significant non-compliance challenges remain. We will work with and regulate the industry to address the environmental challenges they face in becoming a compliant sector. A print version of the sector plan for consultation is... More
    Opened 21 December 2018
217 results. Page 6 of 8