CAR/L/5005080 - Scottish Sea Farms Limited: Billy Baa MPFF

Closed 23 Feb 2024

Opened 19 Dec 2023

Results updated 20 Jun 2024

SEPA granted the Licence CAR/L/5005080 on 20 June 2024.

CAR/L/5005080 Licence

CAR/L/5005080 EMP



It is part of SEPA’s remit to protect the marine environment. We regulate finfish farms through permits that limit the pollutants discharged to the water environment and, where appropriate, the amount of water which can be abstracted.

If you have an interest in this application please tell us by completing the following questions and submitting them to us by 23 February 2024.

Application details

We received an application from Scottish Sea Farms Limited, on 23 November 2023 for a new authorisation of a Marine Pen Fish Farm at The Deeps, North Scalloway, Shetland.

The application form provided by the applicant is available below. 

Form A
Form C
Location Plan
Proposed Site Plan
Appendix A Hydrographic Report
Appendix B NewDepomod Report
Appendix C HDM Deposition Report
Appendix D HDM Validation Report
Appendix E Shetland Climatology Model Report
Appendix F1 Dye Dispersion Study
Appendix G1 ECE Sandsound
Appendix G2 ECE BoxModel
Appendix H Billy Baa EMP
Appendix I Visual Survey Report
Appendix J1 Baseline Survey Design
Appendix J4 Baseline EmBz
Appendix J5 Baseline PSA
Appendix J6 Baseline TOC

The applicant will place an advert in the national and local press. You have until 23 February 2024 to submit your views.  

Why your views matter

This is your opportunity to let us know about any risks you believe the development will have on:

  • the water environment, including potential impacts to marine life;
  • the interests of users of the water environment, resulting from the proposed discharge of:
    • Organic matter;
    • Medicine residues;
    • Other chemical emissions.


How we will manage responses

At the end of the consultation, we will publish all comments. You can tell us within the consultation if you do not want your comment published. If this is the case, we will publish a note saying that we received a response but have not made it publicly available.

We will write to everyone who responded to the consultation and provided contact details, outlining the feedback received, how it has been taken into account and our proposed decision.  If you disagree with our decision, you will be given the opportunity to request that Scottish Ministers ‘call-in’ the application for their determination.

Scottish Minister may agree to call-in an application if: 

  • The representation provides clear reason for the objection, supported by evidence, and
  • The objection relates to material considerations raised during determination of the application.

The full criteria for Ministerial consideration are listed on

The final decision will be published on this website along with the authorisation, if granted.

What happens next

SEPA issued a letter outling the proposed determination to everyone who made a representation on 28 March 2024, providing these people with the opportunity to notify Scottish Ministers of any objections to the decision.

Scottish Ministers received objections to the proposed determination and SEPA await confirmation as to whether Scottish Ministers intend to call in the application for their determination.


  • Local Authorities
  • Responsible Authorities
  • Fisheries
  • Aquaculture
  • Public
  • Water
  • Local community


  • Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) regulations: finfish aquaculture
  • Permit application