​Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS) Hunterston A site gaseous discharges variation application
Results updated 11 Feb 2025
There were no representations made during the public consultation. The application will be determined in due course.
It's part of our remit to regulate the disposal of radioactive substances within Scotland, we do this through the issuing of permits. These permits regulate the quantity and activity of gaseous and aqueous radioactive waste which may be disposed of to the environment.
Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS) formerly Magnox Ltd are in the process of decommissioning the Hunterston A Nuclear site in accordance with a radioactive substances permit. This consultation has been issued in response to an application from NRS to vary this permit.
If you wish to review the Nuclear Restoration Services Hunterston A application and supporting documents and provide comments for us to consider as part of our process to determine if we will grant the variation, please respond to this consultation by 20 December 2024.
Why your views matter
This is your opportunity to let us know about any material information that you believe we should consider as part of our determination process.
Please respond to the consultation online via this consultation platform. If you require any assistance, please contact: rsenquiries@sepa.org.uk.
Responses must be submitted before midnight on 20 December 2024.
How we use your feedback
As Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, our purpose is to protect, improve Scotland’s environment in ways that as far as possible also create health and well-being benefits, and sustainable economic growth.
Our Corporate Plan sets our strategic agenda and our Annual Operating Plan implements our priorities. In delivering these priorities we engage with those who have an interest in and are impacted by our regulations and duties. One way we engage is through consultations. The feedback we receive through our consultations helps us to understand what matters most to those that are interested and affected by our work and helps to shape how we implement our duties. After the consultation closes we’ll take time to consider responses before sharing an update with you through the “we asked, you said, we did” section of our consultation website.
- Local Authorities
- Responsible Authorities
- SEPA Staff
- Public
- Nuclear Industry
- EA, SEPA and NRW Staff
- Local community
- Radioactive waste
- Radioactivity
- Radiation
- Remediation
- Restoration
- Land quality
- Contamination
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